I am very scatter-brained and highly impatient. People close to me know that very intimately. People who do not see me very often just see me as whatever they see me as: a SPAM eating fat ass with facial hair trimmed for a taint.
That has nothing to do with anything.
I am hosting Owen Egerton's One Page Salon at the North Door on July 3rd. It will be a grand old time with great friends and lots of heckling! Click here.
Also, the Cockroach Conservatory Vol. 1 release party is on July 13th which is a Friday which means it will be bad luck if you miss it. Click here.
I also want to tell you about some changes that will be happening to my Patreon.
Deerman is continuing! Never fear! But my Patreon is expanding its scope and will be changing to support Cockroach Conservatory projects. Deerman is one of them. So, instead of supporting and getting only ONE podcast, you'll be supporting and getting many podcasts and stories.
The Cockroach Conservatory's main mission is to spotlight the weird and to pay the writers and artists that bring the weird to us. We're doing a magazine and the Patreon will help offset some of the costs associated with producing it. Not only will the Patreon support that, it will support a growing library of crazy ideas for podcasts, web-shows, and live events. If you haven't heard any of this until now, check out the website and check out the podcast. Pre-order the magazine here.